• Francis K. Liu and Samuel M Goffinet Obtained Summary Judgment in Trip & Fall Case
Francis K. Liu, a Partner in ADM’s New Jersey Office and Samuel M Goffinet, of Counsel to ADM, obtained Summary Judgment in a trip and fall case allegedly caused by a dangerous condition, including an elevated wooden platform in the co-defendant, homeowner’s garage. At the time of the accident, the plaintiff was the township electrical inspector who was performing an electrical inspection following our client’s installation of solar-panels. While in the homeowner’s garage accessing the electrical panel, Plaintiff tripped and fell over the edge of a raised platform that he had to step onto to walk to the panel.
Mr. Liu and Mr. Goffinet filed a Motion for Summary Judgment at the conclusion of discovery, arguing that our client did not create the condition, did not assume any site safety responsibility for the homeowner’s garage and owed no duty to the plaintiff to warn him about conditions in the homeowner’s residence. The Court ultimately granted the Motion on June 10, 2022 and dismissed the action against our client.